Friday, 2 April 2010

Grey Is For The Young...?

While checking out the latest news on, I noticed a new trend that I’m not at all excited about. In fact, I think this will actually be the only trend that I absolutely refuse to get into. For some strange reason, a number of celebrities have decided to get some grey (or silver) dyed into their hair. Some designers even got their models to walk the runway with grey tints in their hair. I don’t understand this, because the last I checked a lot of women were getting their hair dyed to get rid of grey and silver streaks. Now, women who don’t need to worry about grey hairs are encouraging it! Here are a couple of pictures, so you can get an idea of what I’m talking about.

Kate Moss


Pixie Geldof

Kate Lanphear

Daphne Guiness

What do you all think about it? I personally will never understand the need to dye my hair a colour that it will inevitably turn the older I get. I don’t mind the platinum white on short hair, I think it works… but grey? It’s like encouraging wrinkles to appear prematurely.

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